Wiscuss – Free Online Meeting Platform

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Wiscuss is an online meeting platform developed by Zoewebs. Unlike other similar tools in the market, it does not require the user to download any plugin or application. Wiscuss can be accessed through Google Chrome browser in PC or even through mobile phone.

Online meeting

Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere

Wiscuss allows you to call a conference or meeting anytime regardless of where you are. What more? It is free of charge and available online to everyone.

Your Own Room, Without Limit

Wiscuss allows you to create your own room and share it to your friends or colleagues. You can easily invite anyone to your room through a link or QR code. What more? There is no limit on the number of participants in your room. It also allows users to stay in such room during waiting time.
create room wiscuss
share your content wiscuss

Share Your Content

Wiscuss allows you to upload and share different materials ranging from word or PDF documents, recordings to YouTube videos.

Other Features:

discussion icon


Send public or private messages between members in the room

webcam icon


Hold virtual meetings with audio settings

microphone icon


Communicate effectively through high quality audio system

exchange icon

Screen Sharing

Share the content on your screen with members

whiteboard icon

Multi User Whiteboard

Contribute ideas together with members

team icon


No limit on the number of participants or duration

chart icon


Run quiz or survey from wiscuss and get the result.

Wiscuss has now offered service to our existing customers and teachers FREE for April only in response to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic. No need to pay for the service and still can easily have an online conference or meeting anytime. It’s sponsored by Zoewebs. But due to limitation of server, slot may be limited. So, please register fast.

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