There are 2 types of Youtube ads. One that you can skip the ads after 4 seconds; another one that are “FORCE” ads which are you can not skip. So, we often received one question from our great customer:” If I skip the Youtube ad before it ends, do we still pay Youtube for it?”
The answer is : NO!
Thousands of ads run on YouTube every day. So that the first 5 seconds “Skip” button means that advertisers have to create more engaging stories that not only grab their audience’s attention, but hold it, too.
But, what if really all your audience “skip” your Youtube ads and what you get from there?
1. Improve brand awareness
You got the 5 seconds to promote your brands without paying any ads fee.
If you got your brand in front of your audience, before they skipped, there is data that supports that many YouTube viewers would simply search the brand later and arrive as organic visitors on your website.
The best part is that even as viewers skip your in-stream video ad you can get your brand name out there for free.
2. To know the target audience
Data shows 65% of people skip online video ads.
Why? Most of the reason is because you TARGETED THE WRONG audience.
You have to admit that, not everyone likes your products or services. So, you have to find a Google agency like us to reach your RIGHT target customer.
3. Force you to create more attractive stories or Bumper
Most of the people skip your Youtube ads, maybe it’s because your ads are SUPER-BORING. Yes.
You only have 6 seconds to engage with your viewer, so use your time wisely. Don’t try to fit in too many details; hammer home a simple, actionable message. Only tell the viewer what they need and want to know.
Many successful bumper ad campaigns have been made of a series of vignettes, with a common element stringing them together.
4. Retargeting
People skipped your Youtube ads and you thought you get nothing? Definitely no. Retargeting is the practice of showing ad content to users who are already familiar with your brand or have taken a set action on or offline. When you remarket to audience on YouTube, you run an ad only to those users, remind them of your offerings, and try to get them back. You might even give them a discount or coupon.
Thanks for reading! Let me know or call us at 012-334 3029 (YY LEE) if you are interested in Youtube ads. We are Penang website design / digital marketing company!